The 30-Day Sex Challenge for Parents

Recently, I read the 30-Day Sex Challenge on Reddit in bewilderment. Clearly the authors didn’t have children. So I wrote an updated challenge for McSweeney’s that’s just for parents. 

DAY 1: Entice your partner by dressing in lingerie and performing a striptease. Don’t smile too much — mysteriousness is sexy. Also, when you smile, your partner can see the mouthguard you wear every night to protect your teeth from stress-induced grinding.

DAY 2: Find a new place in the house to have sex. Since the kids can wander in at any point, steer clear of the kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, guest room, TV room, stairway, laundry room, and attic. But there’s still the crawlspace! Oh, and that damp corner of the concrete basement that always smells like body odor.

DAY 3: Watch a Kama Sutra video to inspire a new position.While you’re at it, could you email Bella’s mom and ask her for some new snack ideas? Every day Jackson’s been coming home with his lunchbox practically untouched. He said he liked pistachios! You heard him!

DAY 3: Watch a Kama Sutra video to inspire a new position.While you’re at it, could you email Bella’s mom and ask her for some new snack ideas? Every day Jackson’s been coming home with his lunchbox practically untouched. He said he liked pistachios! You heard him!

DAY 4: Shower sex. Apply generous quantities of soap to each other’s naked bodies and enjoy the smooth sensation of — whoa, where did the non-slip bathtub stickers go? You can’t just step into a bare tub, it’s dangerous. Yes, I know Chloe’s afraid of seahorses — that’s why I bought the dolphin stickers… they’re under the sink… behind the lice shampoo. Behind. Behind. Behind. Do you not know what “behind” means? Forget it, I’ll do it, just move.

To read the rest, go to: The 30-Day Sex Challenge for Parents

I Am Marge, I Contain Multitasking

Some pre-Thanksgiving gratitude! A huge shout-out to the many friends and book-loving strangers who have come to my readings during my cross-country(ish) book tour. The most recent event, hosted at Skylight Books by the amazing Cecil Castellucci, was such fun that the LA Times even wrote about it. (A slow news weekend? Maybe. OK, fine.)  

Lucky for you, I have two more reading events in 2017. Tomorrow, Friday, Nov 17thI'll be reading at the NYU Reading Series; on Saturday, Nov 18th, I'll be at the Philly Homebrew Reading Series in Philadelphia.


All this traveling has made me nostalgic for places where I used to live. So I wrote an essay for LitHub about moving to Topanga Canyon and chasing a ghost through my backyard. Spoiler-alert: it's more funny than spooky. And I don't die at the end. 

The other thing I've been doing often while traveling is writing on my phone. This has led me to rediscover the magic of auto-correct. Many of the substitutions and suggestions are ducking inspired.
One day, out of curiosity, I started typing in famous sentences from novels I love. The results were pretty entertaining, especially when jet-lagged. So I typed faster and more inaccurately and got this... 


A totally irrelevant aside about food

When it comes to nutrition, I am a delighted, negligent mess. For ages, I've ordered the unhealthiest thing on the menu, insisting that it really doesn't matter because the science of nutrition is amateurish and unproven. This isn't entirely true, but it's fun to make smug pronouncements while dipping French fries in mayonnaise and stuffing my face with a meatball parm while a healthy friend nibbles on salad and rage. 


Truly, I've come to rely on the latest contradictions in the nutritional world to bolster my lifestyle. I love when, every couple years, a new claim arises, overturning all the previous ones, and now we can eat butter/fat/eggs/meat/grain/insert villified tasty food here. 

And so it's with particular glee that I came across this recent Big Think article. Turns out that maybe gluten isn't the cause of stomach problems but, like some lame second sequel villain (ahem, Mandarin), the real bad guy is... fructan?  

What's in a name? 

Before I go, a quick request. I'd like to come up with a name for my newsletter. As catchy as “Panio's Newsletter” is, it could use a little something. So if anyone has any preferences or ideas, please email them my way. Current contenders are:


  • Panio's Not-Quite-Monthly Newsletter

  • Freaks and Greeks

  • The GIF That Won't Stop Giving

  • Nothing Rhymes With Panio

  • Paniohmygod Just Stop Already

Thanks for reading, and have a great November! 


P.S. If you'd like to share this newsletter with a friend—or an enemy—forward them this email and they can sign up here.

